Slamtec robotstudio ubuntu

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View by rviz roslaunch slamware_ros_sdk view_slamware_ros_sdk_server_node. Please connect to the WiFi hot spot provided by the mobile robot if it is configured in AP mode, and start ROS node: roslaunch slamware_ros_sdk slamware_ros_sdk_server_node.launch ip_address:= Setup workspace environment source devel/setup.bash catkin_ws, use catkin utility to initialize workspace cd catkin_ws/srcģ. Put source code directory src into an empty workspace. It should be switched on and configured with proper IP address, which will be connected to from the slamware_ros_sdk_server_node ROS node. Headers and libraries of Slamware C++ SDKĪ Slamware-based mobile robot is required to use Slamware ROS SDK. The RPlidar A3 utilizes a ranging that rotates clockwise, enabling 360° full-scan detection of the surrounding environment and producing a map of the area. Slamware ROS SDK is composed of resources and codes might be required in the development of Slamware and ROS based applications, and organized as following: Directory RPlidar A3 improves the internal optical design and algorithm system to make the sample rate up to 16000 times/second, which is the highest in the current economical LiDAR industry. Please visit Support and Download section at Slamtec official website to download proper ROS SDK and extract it to your disk. Slamware is an autonomous localization and navigation solution for mobile robots.

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